
Weekly Report - 17 October 2024 (WR-24-41)

BRAZIL: New round of mudslinging between mayoral candidates

When the two contenders in the second-round run-off of the São Paulo mayoral race held their first TV debate since the first-round vote, the centre-right incumbent Ricardo Nunes tried to embrace his left-wing challenger, federal deputy Guilherme Boulos, in an apparent attempt to lower the tensions and hostilities that marked the election campaign ahead of the first round. But during the debate, the candidates came out with all guns blazing, using the city’s recent power outage as political ammunition. Boulos accused Nunes’ municipal government of mismanagement, while Nunes blamed the blackout on the federal government led by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who is endorsing Boulos’ mayoral bid.

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