
Weekly Report - 26 October 2023 (WR-23-43)

MEXICO: Nuevo León governor eyes presidential candidacy

Samuel García, the young, high-profile governor of Mexico’s northern state of Nuevo León, is gunning to be the 2024 presidential candidate for the opposition-aligned leftist Movimiento Ciudadano (MC). Despite having previously pledged to see out his gubernatorial term, which ends in 2027, on 23 October García declared his intention to run for the presidency and asked the state legislature for a six-month leave of absence in order to do so. His declaration has drawn some criticism, notably from Nuevo León business groups, who accuse him of abandoning the state at an important juncture. García may also see his intention foiled by lawmakers from other opposition parties in the state congress who do not want to see the opposition vote divided, as well as from a potential outsider MC candidate.

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