*Mexico’s national statistics institute (Inegi) has released employment figures for July, which show that the percentage of the economically active population (EAP) – people over the age of 15 who are employed or seeking employment – that is unemployed has risen from 2.7% in June to 3.1% in July, with 1.9m people unemployed. According to the report, the rate of unemployment has decreased year-on-year, falling 0.3 percentage points, representing 122,000 people, from July 2022. Inegi also states that the percentage of workers engaged in informal employment increased by 0.3 percentage points on the previous year, representing 33.1m people or 55.7% of the EAP in July 2023. According to Inegi, in July 2023, 43.9% of the workforce were employed in the service industry, 19.6% in commerce, 15.7% in manufacturing and industry, 11.8% in agricultural activities and 7.7% in construction.