*Argentina’s Economy Minister
Sergio Massa has announced that the government’s economic team has reached an agreement with local banking representatives to carry out a voluntary debt swap of peso-denominated bonds maturing in the coming months, which he said would
“guarantee a programme that will provide stability to the financial system and peace of mind to savers”. Massa said the agreement would clear the uncertainty on the 2023 maturities and serve as a basis for other agreements to improve the level of access to credit for citizens, leading to greater investment in the economy. After Massa’s announcement, Argentina’s President
Alberto Fernández tweeted that the agreement
“improves the local debt profile, gives confidence and protects Argentine savings”, as well as
“strengthening the position of the State and giving us the peace of mind of being able to think of Argentina with an accurate and sustainable debt programme”. End of preview - This article contains approximately 145 words.
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