The Brazilian government has filed a lawsuit against Samarco Mineração, the company responsible for a fatal and environmentally devastating dam collapse at its iron-ore mine, as well as its parent companies, Vale and BHP Billiton. Lawyers for the government are seeking R$20.2bn (US$5.2bn) in damages over a period of 10 years, including an immediate deposit of R$2bn (US$520m). Samarco has already agreed to set up a R$1bn emergency fund for cleaning and compensation costs. On top of this, the company has also been hit with a R$250m (US$66m) fine by the federal environmental agency, Ibama. Prosecutors are now openly assessing the possibility of Samarco’s bankruptcy in the wake of what the Brazilian government is calling the country’s “worst environmental disaster”. End of preview - This article contains approximately 709 words.
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