
Weekly Report - 29 March 2012 (WR-12-13)

PERU: Humala tries to get balance right

Speak less, do more. This is the unofficial slogan of President Ollanta Humala, who provides a stark contrast with some of Latin America’s more loquacious heads of state for his short and terse style. When he does choose to speak, as he did on 25 March in an interview with local TV programme ‘Panorama’, during which he broached issues of enduring interest such as the influence of his wife Nadine Heredia and his imprisoned brother Antauro, he tends to attract significant attention. He would far rather this attention was given to his government’s policymaking, however, especially his electoral promise of growth with social inclusion. The previous day he had travelled to Ayacucho, the cradle of independence, to launch Cuna Más (literally ‘more cradles’), a flagship social programme to assist children from poor families.

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