
Weekly Report - 13 February 2025 (WR-25-06)

PARAGUAY: Corruption scandal rocks system

Paraguay’s entire institutional system is reeling from the revelation of an ever-widening corruption and influence peddling scandal embroiling members of congress, senior officials of key government agencies, prosecutors, and judges. An investigation by a criminal judge specialised in organised crime, aptly named Osmar Legal, lifted the lid on the corruption network. Legal found a series of compromising texts in WhatsApp conversations contained on the mobile phone of Eulalio ‘Lalo’ Gomes, a deputy in the ruling Asociación Nacional Republicana-Partido Colorado (ANR-PC) who was killed during a botched police raid on his home in the north-eastern department of Amambay in August last year as part of a wide-ranging investigation into alleged narco-trafficking and money laundering [WR-24-33].

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