
Weekly Report - 09 November 2023 (WR-23-45)

GUATEMALA: Further blow to Arévalo as Semilla suspension upheld

Days after Guatemala’s supreme electoral tribunal (TSE) declared “inalterable” the results of the general election [WR-23-44] which delivered a victory for anti-graft candidate Bernardo Arévalo, the TSE’s electoral registry (TC) delivered a big blow to the president-elect, announcing it had suspended his party, Movimiento Semilla (Semilla). The move against Semilla followed a previous failed attempt to suspend the party. It is in line with an investigation launched by discredited attorney general María Consuelo Porras, who is identified with the so-called ‘pacto de corruptos’ – an allusion to entrenched corruption in Guatemala’s political institutions – who Arévalo has accused of leading a coup d’état preventing his assumption of office on 14 January 2024.

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