
Security & Strategic Review - October 2023

TRINIDAD & TOBAGO: Moving into the election season

Trinidad & Tobago’s opposition United National Congress (UNC), under the leadership of former prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar (2010-2015), will have been pleased with the outcome of the local elections held on 14 August. Despite contesting only 110 seats while the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) contested all 141 seats, the UNC received a third more votes than the PNM – 173,961 against 130,868. The voter turnout, however, was only 30.34%, lower even than the 34.7% turnout in the 2019 local elections. The UNC has now declared itself to be on a general election footing, and Prime Minister Keith Rowley has also said that the country is moving towards an election even though there is still nearly two years to run of the current mandate.

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