
Weekly Report - 28 September 2023 (WR-23-39)

BOLIVIA: MAS braces for civil war as Morales declares candidacy

The cold war in Bolivia’s ruling left-wing Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) has now turned hot. Former president Evo Morales (2006-2019) announced on 25 September that he will seek the party’s nomination for the 2025 presidential election, in a move that looks likely to pit him against President Luis Arce in a vicious primary campaign. Whilst Morales has not exactly been discreet about his aspirations to return to the presidency, the timing of his announcement, well in advance of the election, all but guarantees that the remainder of Arce’s term will be dominated by infighting between the ‘Arcista’ and ‘Evista’ factions of the MAS.

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