
LatinNews Daily - 18 September 2023

Mexico accepts new US labour rights review following rejections

Mexico: On 8 September Mexico’s government led by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador accepted a request to review whether pilots at Aerotransportes Mas de Carga (Mas Air), a Mexico City-based airline that provides cargo transportation services, were being denied the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining. The request was presented by the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR) under the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) on 30 August. In a press release, Mexico’s economy ministry (SE) stated that the government had informed the USTR of the acceptance of the review request, stating that the labour ministry (STPS) had a period of 35 days to conduct an internal investigation. The statement also expresses the Mexican government’s commitment to comply with labour legislation, guarantee compliance, and protect rights. This comes after Mexico declined to review two labour rights requests in August, one concerning a mine owned by a subsidiary of conglomerate Grupo México in Zacatecas state and another regarding a facility of Japanese automotive parts supplier Yazaki Group in Guanajuato state.

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