* The Brazilian electricity company Eletrobras has announced the sale of its Candiota thermoelectric power plant to local firm Âmbar Energia at an equity value of R$72m (US$14.45m). The Candiota power plant, located in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, is the only active coal-fired facility that Eletrobras owned and has a power generation capacity of 350 megawatts (Mw). In a press release, Eletrobras declared this sale as a boost for its objectives to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030, as the Candiota power plant had accounted for around a third of the company’s total emissions. Eletrobras also announced that it was negotiating the purchase of shares in some assets owned by Âmbar Energia, including a 51% stake in the special purpose entities Vale do São Bartolomeu (VSB) and Triângulo Mineiro Transmissora (TMT). According to the Eletrobras press release, the stake in these two subsidiaries of Âmbar Energia has a total equity value of R$574m.