
Weekly Report - 17 August 2023 (WR-23-33)

Milei leads the pack after shock primary election in Argentina

Far-right outsider Javier Milei, who supports the sale of human organs, wants to take “a chainsaw” to public spending, and favours dollarising the economy and closing the central bank (BCRA), now has a credible chance of becoming Argentina’s next head of state. In the primary elections held on 13 August Milei won more votes than any other candidate, with his La Libertad Avanza (LLA) party taking 30.04% of the total, placing it ahead of the right-of-centre opposition Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) coalition with 28.27%, and also of the ruling left-of-centre Unión por la Patria (UP) with 27.27%.

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