
Weekly Report - 20 July 2023 (WR-23-29)


BRAZIL | Efforts to resume poultry exports to Japan. Brazil’s agriculture minister, Carlos Fávaro, released a statement on 18 July indicating that his ministry will prioritise negotiations with Japan to resume poultry exports. A day earlier Japan had suspended exports of poultry from the southern state of Santa Catarina,after a case of the H5N1 strain of bird flu (avian influenza) was detected on a farm in the municipality of Maracajá on 15 July. This follows the Japanese ban on poultry from the south-eastern state of Espírito Santo, where Brazil’s first case among domesticated birds was detected on 27 June. Espírito Santo has been the epicentre of the recent bird flu scare, registering the first confirmed case among wild birds on 15 May. Fávaro criticised the Japanese government’s food safety protocols as too rigid. The agriculture ministry has pointed out that the current bird flu situation is still within the food safety protocols as prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

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