
Weekly Report - 20 July 2023 (WR-23-29)

ARGENTINA: Opposition JxC keeps up electoral momentum

A primary election it might have been but the scale of the victory recorded by the right-of-centre opposition coalition Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) and allied parties in the gubernatorial warm-up in Argentina’s north-eastern province of Santa Fe on 16 July was such that it had a national resonance. Not since 1963 has Santa Fe, the country’s fourth most populous province, been in the hands of the Unión Cívica Radical (UCR), one of the three main parties in the JxC, but that looks set to change on 10 September after Maximiliano Pullaro won the opposition primaries, taking more votes just by himself than all of the ruling Peronist pre-candidates put together.

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