
LatinNews Daily - 18 July 2023

In brief: Panama environment group files appeal against mine

* Panamanian environmental NGO Centro de Incidencia Ambiental (Ciam) has filed a constitutional appeal before the supreme court (CSJ) against a new contract signed by the government and Minera Panamá S.A. (MPSA), the subsidiary of Canadian mining company First Quantum Minerals (FQM) regarding the copper mine Cobre Panamá. In June the government led by President Laurentino Cortizo announced that the ministerial cabinet had signed off on the contract following the March announcement of a new deal which put an end to uncertainty over the future of the project which is Panama’s biggest single private foreign investment. Ciam’s complaint states that the contract violates fundamental rights of due process, citizen participation, to a healthy environment and sustainable development. In 2018 the CSJ ruled in favour of an appeal presented by Ciam, against a contract signed in February 1997 regarding the same mine.

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