
Weekly Report - 13 July 2023 (WR-23-28)

PERU: Government under fire for meeting extremist group

Peru’s President Dina Boluarte suffered a blow to her credibility on 11 July after the culture ministry staged a meeting with the far-right group La Resistencia. The prime minister, Alberto Otárola, frantically backpedalled after news of the meeting caused a furore, dismissing the deputy culture minister, Juan Reátegui Silva, who had met leaders of La Resistencia, which has harassed and threatened journalists, human rights activists, and left-leaning politicians, and was vocal in calling for the ouster of Pedro Castillo (2021-2022) during his truncated presidency. The optics are not good for Boluarte, who is nominally left-wing but is being buttressed by right-wing parties in congress, especially just days before protesters are due to converge on Lima to demonstrate against her government.

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