
LatinNews Daily - 10 July 2023

US reacts to disqualification of Venezuelan opposition candidate

Venezuela: On 30 June a US Department of State spokesperson, Matthew Miller, expressed concerns over the decision of Venezuela’s government led by President Nicolás Maduro to ban María Corina Machado, the leading opposition pre-candidate, from participating in the 2024 elections. Earlier that day, Venezuela’s comptroller general’s office (CGR) announced that Machado was banned from holding office from the next 15 years, thus disqualifying her from the contest. Miller stated that the US “supports the Venezuelan people’s constitutional right to elect their leaders via free and fair elections” and said the decision to disqualify Machado “deprives the Venezuelan people of basic political rights”.  Miller added that the US “also remains deeply concerned by the ongoing efforts to remake the composition of the national electoral council (CNE) of Venezuela”. According to Miller, the US “will continue to work with our international partners to address the urgent needs of Venezuelans inside and outside their country” and is committed to “hold accountable those who seek to thwart the will of the Venezuelan people”.

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