
LatinNews Daily - 26 June 2023

In brief: Guatemala declares energy emergency over drought

* Guatemala’s energy & mining ministry (MEM) has declared an emergency due to the lack of rain. The declaration establishes that measures will be taken to guarantee energy security and electricity supply and will last three weeks. The measures will limit electricity energy exports, prioritising the need to supply the domestic market among other things. This follows reports by the national institute of seismology, volcanology, meteorology, and hydrology (Insivumeh) that shortages of rain could continue in the departments including Huehuetenango, Quiché, Alta Verapaz, and Izabal among other areas. Insivumeh forecasts cited by the local media expect rainfall to be 10%-20% lower than normal levels due to this year’s El Niño weather phenomenon which is directly affecting hydroelectric production.

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