
LatinNews Daily - 20 June 2023

In brief: Mexico’s López Obrador unveils more restrictions on GM corn

*Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has announced that he will sign an agreement to ensure that only non-genetically modified (GM) white corn is used by tortilla makers in the country. He stated this would be accompanied by tariffs to prevent the import of GM white corn. López Obrador stated these measures would benefit domestic white corn producers. Mexico is currently embroiled in a trade dispute with the US and Canada over its restrictions against the use and import of GM agricultural products. On 2 June, the US government officially requested dispute settlement consultations with Mexico under the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) on the issue, specifically in relation to a decree issued in February calling for the gradual elimination of the importation and use of GM corn in products for human consumption. López Obrador highlighted that Mexico was continuing to import GM yellow corn for use as animal fodder.

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