
LatinNews Daily - 19 June 2023

US extends TPS for El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras: On 13 June the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the rescission of the prior terminations by the previous US administration led by Donald Trump (2017-2021) of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designations for El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua and the extension of TPS for these for countries for 18 months. TPS is a benefit granted to nationals from countries experiencing “ongoing armed conflict, environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions” that “prevent its nationals from returning safely”. Individuals who arrived in the US after the continuous residence dates for these designations are not eligible for TPS. The respective continuous residence dates are 13 February 2001 for El Salvador and 30 December 1998, for Honduras and Nicaragua. According to the DHS, it is extending the designation of El Salvador from 10 September 2023, through 9 March 2025. For Honduras and Nicaragua, DHS is extending the designation from 6 January 2024, through 5 July 2025. TPS currently benefits approximately 239,000 Salvadoreans, 76,000 Hondurans and 4,000 Nicaraguans.

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