
LatinNews Daily - 13 June 2023

In brief: First lithium produced at Argentina’s Caucharí-Olaroz project

* Canada-based firm Lithium Americas has announced that the Caucharí-Olaroz project in Argentina’s north-western province of Jujuy has produced its first lower than battery-quality lithium carbonate as part of commissioning. According to Lithium Americas, “additional purification processing equipment necessary to achieve battery-quality lithium carbonate is expected to be completed in the second half of 2023, as planned”. During the ramp-up stage to production capacity of 40,000 tonnes per annum, Lithium Americas expects Caucharí-Olaroz to operate substantially below designed capacity and to produce lithium carbonate below battery-quality specifications. The project is 44.8% owned by Lithium Americas, with China’s Ganfeng Lithium taking a 46.7% stake and Argentina’s state-run Jujuy Energía y Minería Sociedad del Estado (Jemse) holding the remaining 8.5%.

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