Mexico: On 28 March, US ambassador to Mexico
Ken Salazar issued a statement concerning the fire that broke out on 27 March in a migration facility in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua state, killing 39 people. The victims were all migrants from Central and South America who had been travelling through Mexico to the US. Salazar highlighted the fact that this was not an exceptional case, citing other recent tragedies involving migrants, such as
the deaths of 53 migrants who were abandoned in the trailer of a truck near San Antonio, Texas in June 2022 and a road accident which
claimed the lives of 56 migrants in Mexico’s Chiapas state in December 2021. Such incidents, said Salazar were
“a reminder of the risks of irregular migration”. In his statement Salazar reasserted the importance of the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection, which was launched at the Summit of the Americas in June, and which he said,
“underscores that the governments of the region must work together to address migration as a regional challenge”. Salazar stated that the US and Mexican governments were working together
“to address the root causes of migration, generate hope in the communities of origin and work on legal avenues, as well as to combat people smuggling and trafficking”.End of preview - This article contains approximately 853 words.
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