* Widespread
anti-government protests have resumed in Peru after a lull during the Christmas period, with demonstrators blocking roads in the south of the country to demand the resignation of President
Dina Boluarte and the convening of general elections. Many protesters also carried signs demanding the formation of a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution, as was promised by former president
Pedro Castillo (2021-2022) when he
closed congress on 7 December, only to be impeached and arrested for the attempted ‘self-coup’. Yesterday, Peru’s transport authority (Sutran) stated that it had registered 35 roadblocks around the country – predominantly in the southern region of Puno, but also in the neighbouring regions of Arequipa, Cuzco, and Madre de Dios, and the central region of Junín. In the capital, Lima, police fired tear gas to prevent a crowd of protesters from reaching congress.
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