* Peru’s prime minister,
Guido Bellido, has announced that the government is aiming to create 280,000 temporary jobs by the end of the year as part of the Trabaja Perú jobs programme. This seeks to provide temporary employment for those of working age (18 and over) who are in poverty, extreme poverty, or who have been impacted by natural disasters or other emergencies. This employment is generated through financing basic social and economic infrastructure projects, and supports the unskilled workforce in Peru. Figures released earlier this year by Peru’s national statistics institute (Inei) show that in 2020 the national unemployment rate was 7.4%, up 3.5 percentage points on 2019 as a result of the impact of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. The Inei figures show that 2.23m jobs were lost in Peru in 2020 compared with 2019.
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