Foreign cooperation: On 2 October Nicaragua’s central bank (BCN) released its latest report on official foreign cooperation which showed that this reached US$527.8m (4.3% of Nicaragua’s GDP) in the first half of 2015, up 2.4% on the same period the previous year. Of this total, 59.3% went to the private sector and the rest to the public sector. While still the biggest source of bilateral funding, Venezuelan cooperation to Nicaragua in the first half of 2015 reached just US$193.3m of which US$172.8m were loans from Venezuela’s state oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa), while US$20.5m was via foreign direct investment (FDI). Total cooperation from Venezuela reached US$619.6m in 2014, down from US$654.2m in 2013 and US$728.7m in 2012.
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