Guatemala’s President Otto Pérez Molina has received his first major embarrassment since taking office in January. The 24 March summit of the Central America Integration System (Sica) he called to discuss his proposal to legalise/decriminalise drugs (among other alternative counternarcotics strategies) fell flat: just two of his Central American counterparts – Costa Rica’s Laura Chinchilla and Panama’s Ricardo Martinelli - turned up. While the last minute no-show by El Salvador’s Mauricio Funes, Honduras’s Porfirio Lobo and Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega illustrates the divisiveness of the issue, Pérez Molina’s insistence on pushing ahead with his proposal, despite clear opposition from his regional peers prior to the summit (widely attributed to US pressure) has leant weight to the theory that he had other motives for making the pitch.End of preview - This article contains approximately 859 words.
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