
Weekly Report - 29 March 2012 (WR-12-13)

ARGENTINA: Back on the left foot

President Cristina Fernández’s first administration was surprising in more ways than one, not least regarding her up-and-down relationship with the US. Even before she took office in 2007, the so-called 'valija-gate' scandal, the infamous suitcase containing US$800,000 allegedly sent by Venezuela’s President Hugo Chávez for her campaign, had damaged the bilateral relationship. Her second presidency, which has just passed the 100-day mark, has begun in a similar fashion, and political imponderables at home are already threatening to send her approval ratings down. This week’s verbal confrontation with the US is not one of those unpredictable events, however, and for those observing the relationship, the US’s increased pressure came as no surprise. A continued verbal escalation, accompanied by symbolic political reprisals, should also be expected in the near future.

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