*Mexico’s national tax authority (SAT) has released figures showing that tax take totalled a “record” M$4.95trn (US$237.7bn) in 2024, an increase of 4.7% in real terms as compared to 2023. The SAT noted that yearly tax take was 0.3% above that forecast in the 2024 income budget. The SAT stated that M$2.68trn was collected via income tax (ISR), up 2.2% in real terms, while value-added tax (IVA) brought in M$1.41trn, up 3% on 2023, and the special tax on production and services (Ieps) registered a tax take of M$628.36bn, up 34.8% on 2023. The SAT stated that it was implementing a 2025 masterplan to continue strengthening tax take which is based on three pillars: taxpayer assistance, accompaniment to compliant taxpayers, and audits against tax evasion and contraband.