
LatinNews Daily - 13 May 2024

US congratulates Panama’s president-elect

Panama: On 7 May US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke over the phone with Panama’s president-elect José Raúl Mulino following his victory in general elections which took place on 5 May. The previous day Blinken congratulated the president-elect in a post on social media. According to a US Department of State press release, in the 7 May phone call the two discussed the “importance of working together to safely and humanely manage migration”. This comes as Panama is facing record migration through the Darién Gap, the perilous jungle border with Colombia, which serves as a key corridor for migrants seeking to reach the US. According to the same US Department of State press release, in the 7 May conversation, Blinken “underscored strong US support for Panama’s efforts to tackle corruption and organised crime and expressed the US commitment to ensuring the continued success of the Panama Canal, including support for efforts to enhance the Canal’s resilience to climate change”. Mulino is due to be inaugurated as president on 1 July.

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