
Security & Strategic Review - August 2023

VENEZUELA: Worrying signs ahead of 2024 election

Concerns over the integrity of Venezuela’s 2024 presidential election have in recent months been pushed into the background as the main opposition coalition Plataforma Unitaria Democrática (PUD) deliberated over the process of selecting a sole candidate to take on President Nicolás Maduro. In June, however, allegations of electoral foul play were once again thrust to the forefront of the country’s political debate. First, all nine members of Venezuela’s national electoral council (CNE) resigned in mid-June, ahead of an announcement that a new CNE will be selected by a board including First Lady Cilia Flores. Then, the leading opposition pre-candidate, María Corina Machado, was disqualified by the comptroller general’s office on 30 June, eliciting a chorus of condemnation from the opposition and the international community.

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