A buoyant Evelyn Matthei is trying to knock all of her rivals on the right of the political spectrum out of the running before the first round of Chile’s presidential elections in November. Matthei, the former mayor of the Santiago commune of Providencia and long-serving congressional deputy and senator, was formally proclaimed as the presidential candidate of her party, the right-wing Unión Demócrata Independiente (UDI), on 18 January. A week earlier she was anointed by the right-of-centre Renovación Nacional (RN), the UDI’s main partner in the Chile Vamos coalition. Now she is taking advantage of a division in the far-right opposition Partido Republicano (PR), which has weakened its candidate José Antonio Kast,
to call for all presidential hopefuls on the right to compete in a primary election to select one candidate and present a united front in November.End of preview - This article contains approximately 1365 words.
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